If you are one of the millions of people currently renting self storage, this article may save you some money. If you are one of the millions of people not renting a mini storage, but thinking about doing so, this article WILL save you some money.
We are Blue Mound 287 Self Storage, serving the Greater Fort Worth area. Call us at 817-439-1380 for all of your self-storage needs in Fort Worth. Now, let’s look at some industry tips which will help you to save money while using secure self storage.
How self-storage works
Self storage facilities charge by the size of the storage unit. Small storage units, generally 5’x5’ in size, cost less per month than larger storage units. You can rent by the month, one month at a time, no minimums or maximums. All of these things are pretty standard in the self storage industry, and truth be told, prices are fairly standard in the industry. A 5’x5’ storage unit will generally cost between $40-$50 per month, no matter where you live, the price being determined by the market in your area.
With that in mind, there are still ways you can pay less when renting a mini storage.
Learn how to pack efficiently
Go to Home Depot, or some other large box store, and purchase some sturdy boxes or totes for your move. Make sure they have strong lids, because this first tip is crucial in saving money in storage. If your boxes are sturdy, you can then stack them one on top of the other without worrying about damaging items in the boxes, and without worrying about the stack of boxes falling over.
Why is this important? A 5’x5’ storage unit also has eight feet of vertical storage, which means that your twenty-five square feet of floor storage space is actually two-hundred cubic feet of vertical storage space, and because floor space costs more in larger units, you can save money by going vertical.
Shop around for good deals
The self storage business is highly competitive. Any city of a decent size will have multiple storage facilities available to you. Those storage facilities will periodically offer great deals to entice you to give them their business, specials like the first month free, or a move-in special of $10 off, or a free truck to use for your move-in. Call around and find the best deal for you.
Only store what you absolutely must store
Large items take up space, and space costs money. If you can store large items somewhere else, like a friend’s garage or garden shed, do so.
All things being equal, find a storage facility nearby your home
If you are storing things which you will need on a regular basis, it’s going to cost you gas to travel to and from the storage unit. The more trips you take to the storage unit, the more money you are spending in traveling to and fro. If possible, find a storage building near your home to save money in the back and forth trips.
A word about Blue Mound 287 Self Storage
Blue Mound 287 Self Storage has been serving the people of Fort Worth for many, many years. We are locally owned and operated, and we offer the very best in secure self storage. No matter what you need, auto storage, boat storage, RV storage, or just storage of your lawn furniture, Blue Mound is the place to call.